Meet the Lab
Anna Molofsky, MD/PhD
Principal Investigator
Nick Mroz, PhD
Staff scientist/lab manager
Sarah Anderson, PhD
Weill Neurohub Postdoctoral Fellow
Microglial phagocytosis in genetic models of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Ran Cao, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Biochemistry of cytokine signaling in human cells.
Pailin Chiaranunt, PhD
Schmidt Science Fellow
Mechanisms of brain-body communication in infection models.
Jason Dennis
PROPEL Scholar, Postbac Technician
Behavioral studies in animal models of neurodegeneration and infection.
Caroline Escoubas, MD/PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Immunology T32
Type I interferon signaling in brain development and plasticity.
Richard Jin, MD/PhD
Psychiatry research Fellow, A.P. Giannini Fellow
Impact of early life viral infection on brain and behavior.
Ricardo Guajardo
MSTP Student, Neuroscience graduate program, Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow
Extracellular matrix regulation of learning and memory.
Dong Kyu Kim, PhD
NRF Postdoctoral Fellow
Cytokine signaling in animal models of neurodegenerative disease.
Sunny Mula
PROPEL Scholar Postbac Technician
Molecular mechanisms of synapse formation and neuronal function.
Haruna Nakajo, PhD
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
Zebrafish models of microglial-synapse interactions in development and plasticty.
Lisa Randolph, PhD
IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Zebrafish models of interferon function and microglial phagocytosis.
Nick Silva, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH K99
Microglial phagolysosmal function in zebrafish development and hyperexcitability.
Ashley Starnes
Neuroscience Graduate Student
Extracellular matrix proteins in brain function
Sarah Wade
Neuroscience Graduate Student
Novel technologies to visualize brain-immune interactions.

Current Undergraduates and Volunteers
Prongha Talukder, UCB
Muskaan Shah, UCB
Juan Rojas, SFSU
Molofsky Lab Alumni
Postdoctoral Fellows
Kevin Kelley, 2016-2017, Psychiatry research resident, Stanford
Ilia Vainchtein, 2016-2021, Scientist, Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Rafael Han, 2018-2022, Assistant Professor, Korea Institute of Technology
Nick Silva, 2019-2024, Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
Graduate Students
Phi Nguyen, 2016-2021, Postdoctoral fellow, Columbia University
Leah Dorman, 2016-2022, Scientist, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
Marci Rosenberg, 2018-2023, Medical student, UCSF
Jerika Barron, 2017-2022, [postdoc 2022-2024], Scientist, Arc Institute
Postbacs and Technicians
Hiromi Inoue, 2015-2020, Lab administrator, Kyoto University
John Miller, 2014-2016
Greg Chin, 2016-2018, MSTP Student Oregon Health Sciences University
Sarah Wang, 2018-2019, Medical Student, Albert Einstein
Jorge Ortiz-Carpena, 2017-2019, Immunology Graduate Student, UPenn
Sunrae Taloma, 2019-2021, Neuroscience Graduate Student, UCSF
Christian Lagares-Linares, 2021-2023, Neuroscience Graduate Student, Harvard
Visiting Fellows
Emily Harrington, 2017, UCSF Neurology
Lucasz Szweczyk, 2016, University of Warsaw
Tessa Johung, 2020, UCSF Neurology
Danielle Cozachenko, 2023, visiting graduate student, UFRJ
Undergraduates and Volunteers
Eliott Chien, 2015-2016, UCB
Olga Vayefa, 2017, SRTP
Adriana Ivich 2018, SRTP
Ellen Wang, 2019, SRTP
Brigita Widiarto, 2019, UCB
Aksah Joshi, 2019, UCB
Nadine Horneck, 2019, UCB
Oseas Medina, 2021, UCSF Medical student
Melanie Castro, 2023, UCB
Vicky Lam, 2023, UCI
Elizaveta Kaminskaya, 2024, UCB
Emmalyn Irvin, 2024, University of Utah
Ahilan Eraniyan, 2024, Duke University